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Learning Express contains learning resources you can use to build your skills. From the Adult Core Skills area to the Computer Skills Center, Career Preparation, and College Students area where you can work on skills like reading, writing, math, and science.

Click here to learn how to register for a Learning Express account.

The Video Guides in the Help menu is a great place to start. You will find video tutorials on how to take the tutorials offered, how to download the eBooks available, and more!

Screencapture of Video Guides in Learning Express Help Menu

Use the homepage icons to explore the different centers available to you, or search using the "Find Tests, Tutorials, eBooks" field.

Screencapture of LearningExpress homepage

Adult Core Skills

Check out Adult Core Skills to help improve your math, reading, writing, speaking, and grammar.

Screencapture of Adult Core Skills area in LearningExpress

Career Preparation

In Career Preparation, you can learn more about a career, prepare for an entrance exam, prepare for an occupation exam like the CMA or NCLEX, and more!

Screencapture of Career Preparation in LearningExpress

College Students

Here you can find even more support for math, reading, grammar, writing, and science.

Screencapture of College Student area in Learning Express

Computer Skills Center

Check out the Computer Skills Center for help getting started with your computer and Internet, popular software tools tutorials, and more!

Screencapture of Computer Skills Center in LearningExpress

  • Last Updated May 25, 2018
  • Views 6216
  • Answered By Kerry Louvier

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