Blackboard Ultra: How do I check my grades and see instructor feedback?


There are many places that allow you to check your grades and see instructor feedback. 

Activity Stream Notifications

From the Activity Stream, you can see recently graded items in your stream. You can select the Show link to reveal the grade and click the item's name to go to the gradebook for that course. The stream may also provide you with information about how you are doing compared to your classmates.

Global Gradebook

Opening the Grades page from the base navigation will show you all of your course cards. Select a course name to go to that course's grades page. The course cards are organized by course and term, in alphabetical order. Here is an example of how a course card displays on the global Grades page:

Course Gradebook

Here are some pointers for viewing your grades on this page:

  • Select an item that was recently graded to view it.
  • Select the "View all coursework" link to view all gradable items for a particular course.
  • To the right of the course name, you'll find your overall grade if one is set. The overall grade lets you keep track of how you're doing in each of your courses. You can refer back to your overall grade to see if you are on track for the grade you want, or if you need to improve. Select your overall grade to see how it is calculated. Learn more about overall grades (opens in new window). 

As shown in the above image, the gradebook contains the following columns:

Item Name: This is the name of the gradable item. Selecting the item's name will provide you with the ability to see comments and the item's details.

Due Date: Here you can find an item's due date. If you submit an item after this time frame, the item will be marked as late. Your teacher may not accept late submissions. Teachers are able to hide items after a certain date. Also, keep in mind that your teacher may or may not set due dates. They may instead decide to use other methods, such as listing due dates in the course syllabus.

Status: This column displays the status of your assignment submission.

Grade: This column displays the grade you were given by the teacher.

Feedback: This icon indicates that your teacher left you a comment.

Viewing Details

When you view the item from the Content area you can see the grade within the Details & Information panel if it has been posted. Selecting the grade will allow you view the details of it.


  • Last Updated Sep 05, 2024
  • Views 7742
  • Answered By Kerry Louvier

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