Blackboard Ultra: How do I submit an initial discussion post?
An Introduction to Discussions
In your traditional online courses, your teacher will most likely use the Discussion item to promote collaboration in your classroom. Discussions allow teachers and students to communicate with each other on a given topic by exchanging ideas through posts and replies. Unlike the face-to-face classroom, you do not need to raise your hand to make a point; instead, you can post your thoughts to a discussion.
There are three ways in which you can participate in a discussion:
- From within the course, you can open the the discussion from within a Module.
- From within the course, you can click Discussions from the navigation bar at the top of the page.
- You can participate in a Discussion from the Activity Stream.
Remember these tips when participating in a discussion:
- Take time to write a meaningful post.
- Respond to your peers.
- Check back frequently and look for new posts.
- Follow netiquette guidelines.
- Stay on topic.
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