How do I find case studies to use in my courses/with students?


The Rasmussen Library provides a number of options for faculty seeking case studies; please review the many options below!

First, within the A-Z List of Databases, you can limit the databases to just those that contain case studies.


Search the Ebooks and Academic Ebooks collection for case study anthologies. Just search "case studies" and your topic keyword. Example: vaccination and case studies.


Use ProQuest and EBSCO article databases within your discipline, and use the following steps to search within them.

ProQuest databases:

1. Switch to Advanced Search.

ProQuest Advanced Search button

2. Use the Document type area, select Case Study.

In the Document Type area select Case Study

3. Begin your search by typing keywords or phrases into the search bar.

EBSCO databases:

1. Upon entering the database, click on Advanced Search.

2. In the Advanced Search menu, scroll down, and select Case Study from the Document Type area.

EBSCO Case Study Limiter within Document Type

3. Type in your search terms, and press Search.

  • Last Updated Jul 31, 2024
  • Views 397
  • Answered By Kate Anderson, Librarian

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