What is Rasmussen University's Incomplete Policy?
Rasmussen University's Incomplete Policy is as follows:
Incomplete Grade Policy
An ‘I’ indicates an incomplete grade and is a temporary grade for a course which a student is unable to complete due to extenuating circumstances. The student must request an incomplete from the instructor prior to the last day of the Term/Session/Quarter.
An incomplete may be granted to a student at the end of a Term/Session/Quarter at the discretion of the instructor under the following conditions:
1. An incomplete form is completed by the instructor which identifies:
a. The work to be completed,
b. Qualifications for acceptable work,
c. The deadline for completing the work is 7 calendar days from the last day of the term/session/quarter for the course,
d. The grade to be entered should the student not complete the work by the deadline (the calculated grade),
e. Once the completed work is submitted, instructors will have 7 calendar days for grading, recalculation of grades and processing of all documents required.
2. Incomplete records will be maintained in the student’s file.
3. The student’s Dean must be informed of all incompletes granted by the instructor. Incompletes will be granted rarely, and instructors will take the following into consideration when granting an incomplete:
a. The work to be completed must be regularly assigned work, identified in the course syllabus.
b. The student can reasonably be expected to complete the work by the deadline.
c. The student’s grade will be substantially improved.
d. The student has demonstrated a commitment to completing work in a timely fashion.
e. Granting the incomplete is truly in the best interest of the student.
f. By completing the work, the student is able to demonstrate their ability to meet the course objectives.
4. Allowing the student extra time compensates for events or conditions not within the student’s control (i.e., illness, emergencies, etc.)
5. Incompletes may not be granted only for the sake of improved cumulative grade point average, nor will they be granted to allow students to make up “extra credit” work.
6. Credits for all incomplete courses will be counted as credits attempted but not earned in the quarter of enrollment. Incomplete grades must be completed within 7 calendar days of the last day of the Term/Quarter in which the course was attempted. An incomplete grade not completed by the deadline will be changed to the calculated alternate grade designated by the instructor on the Incomplete Form and will be included in the cumulative grade point average. The final grade awarded for the course is included in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average.
The Incomplete Policy is listed in the course syllabus. If an instructor accepts or denies an Incomplete request, that should be documented in Campus Vue (CVue). If an instructor approves an Incomplete request an "I" should be entered in the initial final grade section of the gradebook.
The Incomplete Policy steps presentation is located in the Faculty Handbook under Faculty Expectations and the Incomplete Grade Entry tab.
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