I am a Faculty member and would like to request permission to use a copyright-protected resource. Where can I find the copyright permissions request form?
The Copyright Permissions Request Form is located within the Copyright Toolkit.
- The Copyright Toolkit is available here: http://guides.rasmussen.edu/CopyrightToolkit/Home
- The Permissions Request Form can be accessed here: http://guides.rasmussen.edu/CopyrightToolkit/Permissions
The Copyright Toolkit is an excellent resource for Rasmussen faculty. Use the Toolkit to learn more about copyright and to answer specific questions about the use of resources within Rasmussen courses. The Permissions Request Form should be used any time you incorporate "outside" resources (other than Library resources, textbooks, etc.) into your courses. The copyright holder must grant you permission to utilize a resource before it is added into the course.
Contact librarians@rasmussen.edu with additional questions about the Toolkit or the Permission Request Form.
Contact compliancequestions@rasmussen.edu if you have reviewed the content in the Copyright Toolkit, but still have a question about the use of a specific resource in your course.
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