For an academic overload of credits, how many prior RAS credits do I need?

Wondering about how many credits we have to accomplish prior to taking on a larger credit load (I believe it is called Academic Overload).


Academic Overload Policy

An academic or credit overload occurs when an undergraduate student registers for more than 20 credits per quarter or more than 12 credits in a 5.5-week term, or when a graduate student registers for more than 16 credits per quarter or more than 12 credits in a 5.5-week term. In order to qualify for an overload, an undergraduate student must have completed a minimum of 30 credits at Rasmussen University. A graduate student must have completed a minimum of 16 credits at Rasmussen University in order to apply for an overload. The student must also be meeting the Rasmussen University Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress. Undergraduate students must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.01 (3.5 for bachelor-completer programs), and graduate students must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.5 to apply for an overload. Students who qualify will be eligible to take up to 24 total credits in the designated quarter. Students who desire an overload should consult with their Advisor as well as the Academic Dean or Nursing Dean of the campus in which they are enrolled.


  • Last Updated Dec 14, 2021
  • Views 1393
  • Answered By Kerry Louvier

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