Where can I find the Rasmussen University's catalog about classes and programs?

When do my classes start? When does the next quarter start? Where do I find academic policies?


You can find the course catalog on the Rasmussen University website, under the Degrees link.


  • For finding when classes or the next quarter or term starts: On the Table of Contents page you will find the Academic Calendar where the Quarter and Term starts are listed.
  • For finding academic policies: Using the Table of Contents page, find the section called "Academic Information and College Policies" and go to that page in the catalog. 
  • For finding course descriptions: Using the Table of Contents page, find the section called, "Course Descriptions" and go to that page in the catalog. Courses will be listed by program and number. 
  • For information about specific programs: Using the Table of Contents page, find the section for the appropriate "School of." [For example, the paralegal program is in the School of Justice Studies.] Navigate to the corresponding page in the the catalog.

The catalog is now interactive! You can use the search box in the upper right corner to quickly find the information you're looking for.

  • Last Updated Nov 17, 2021
  • Views 9304
  • Answered By Kerry Louvier

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