How can I get/stay motivated?


Sometimes it is really hard to feel motivated when some things are not going well. We all have times like that. The way we handle them is the difference between feeling motivated and moving forward or feeling stuck and worn out.

Here is a common situation that students encounter along with steps that can help. See if this comes close to your situation.

Maybe you had a tough first term and you're wondering if you can really make it.

  • Realize many other new students have gone through this--it's more common than you think. Why? Because they are experiencing several new things at one time and it takes some time to feel comfortable with it. But you CAN get used to it and even THRIVE. 

Here's how:

  1. Talk with a student who has been exactly where you are right now. Some of our students feel so strongly about helping students in this situation that they've become Skills Tutors. 
    • Not only can they help you feel better (and even have hope) about what you're going through, they can also provide TIPS and SHORTCUTS that will help with studying, your classes, etc.  SWEET DEAL!
    • Connect with them through the Books & Tools menu in your courses, or by visiting the Learning Services Homepage directly
  2. Talk with your Advisor. They understand and want to support you. They can provide resources that can help you along the way.
  3. Keep trying--DO NOT GIVE UP! Let's face it, if it were easy to get a degree, everybody would have one!  Research tells us that the harder a student is willing to work, the more their chance for success increases. If you give up, your chances for success are slim. 
  4. Place some inspirational sayings somewhere you can see them often. It sounds cheesy, but it really works. See yourself as a successful person who is graduating.
  5. Think about people you know who are successful--how do they respond to tough times? Ask them. Chances are you'll hear something like they 'buckle down and work harder' or they 'conquer it!'. They got through tough times and you can too. Remember...You are not alone! 


  • Last Updated Dec 20, 2023
  • Views 176
  • Answered By Tammy Hopps

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