How do I cite legal sources according to Bluebook/legal citation format?

Consult the Indigo Book for all of your legal citations.


Legal professionals use a legal citation format for citing sources, including cases, articles, and statutes, instead of APA citation format. ****Paralegal students are required to follow legal citation format in paralegal courses. 

"Bluebook" or "Bluebook citation" refers to The Bluebook: Uniform System of Citation, which is a citation manual widely used by legal professionals to cite legal sources.  The bluebook method is the most widely used legal citation system in the United States.  

The process of editing legal text to conform to these standards is sometimes referred to as “bluebooking.”

Indigo Book cover image

The Indigo Book: A Manual of Legal Citation is a free version of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation and is the preferred resource that Paralegal students should use for citing legal sources.

****For more information about legal citation and examples, go to our Legal Resources page.

  • Last Updated Aug 15, 2024
  • Views 6119
  • Answered By Kerry Louvier

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