How do I work with a source that has multiple corporate or group authors? I need to do an APA reference and in-text citation.


When you have multiple corporate or group authors, you will list them just as you do if they were individuals (see more information in our multiple authors answer).

For example:


Front cover of document:

Example of a publication authored by several professional associations and government agencies to illustrate how to author information needed for the author segment of an APA reference.

This website has multiple corporate/group/association authors. You'd list them all.

The reference for the above website would be:

American Medical Association, American Nurses Association, Centers

for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Food Safety and

Applied Nutrition, & Food Safety Inspection Service. (2004). Acute

Hepatitis A: Patient scenario.


When you cite the above reference the first time in-text it would look like this:

(American Medical Association [AMA], American Nurses Association, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, & Food Safety Inspection Service, 2004)

Subsequent citations would look like this: (AMA et al., 2004)

See also:

Multiple levels/tiers of government agencies



  • Last Updated Jul 06, 2020
  • Views 30002
  • Answered By Kerry Louvier

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