One of my assignments requires the creation of a blog. What is a blog? Are there any free online tools that I can use to create one? How do I get started?


A blog, an abbreviation of the term web log, is a regularly updated webpage where the most recent entry appears at the top of the webpage and earlier entries are listed in reverse chronological order underneath.  Blogs are often written in an informal tone and include visuals to engage the reader.

There are many free, user-friendly online platforms that can be used to create a simple blog.  Some of the more popular blog platforms are:

TIP:  Be sure to select the free version as most of these platforms do offer subscription or fee-based versions.  Consult the help tools on the provider's website for assistance in creating your blog and using the platform.

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  • Last Updated Feb 03, 2021
  • Views 590
  • Answered By Suzanne Schriefer, Librarian

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